What’s New at Zeller this August



What’s New at Zeller this August

What can be sent in a text, scheduled in the future and comes in three new, customisable templates? Zeller Invoices. Plus, new functionality to control access to refunds and sales reports; and improved Xero Bank Feeds integration.  

We record every piece of feedback we receive, and we make sure to prioritise the updates that have the most impact. This month, we're happy to announce we've rolled out six new highly-requested features that will make managing your business and your finances even easier. We've given you more control over how you access refunds and reporting; added new customisation options to help you keep your invoices on-brand; and launched scheduling and SMS functionality that will make sure your clients receive your invoices when and where they want them. Finally, we've made some big improvements to our Xero Bank Feeds integration that will shave some time off your end-of-month reconciliation. Read on to learn how to harness this new functionality in your business.

Control who can process refunds with a security PIN. 

Safeguarding the refund process from misuse is an important security concern for retail businesses, and we’ve just made it more robust, thanks to a refund PIN. This highly-requested feature minimises the potential misuse of refunds, by allowing business owners to delegate the responsibility through giving the PIN number only to trusted or senior staff members. Controlling who has the power to process a refund makes the process more accountable, especially as your business grows. What’s more, with fewer individuals having access to the refund functionality, there's a reduced likelihood of erroneous refunds or accidental transactions.

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Save time with quicker access to reports on Zeller Terminal.

When you’re busy on the floor, we understand that having to log in to check your sales information isn’t always practical. That’s why we’ve added a new feature that lets you restrict or grant access to sales reports on Zeller Terminal without the need to log in with a username and password. Via the Zeller Dashboard, business owners and managers can toggle on or off the ‘Restrict Report Access’ functionality. When toggled off, anyone can print a sales report directly from Zeller Terminal, no login required. What’s more, by removing the need to provide employees Zeller login details, you also remove their access to more sensitive data such as settlement information. 

To change the status of the ‘Restrict Report Access’ feature visit the ‘Sites’ settings, found under the ‘Payments’ tab on the Zeller Dashboard.

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Get paid faster by sending your invoice as an SMS. 

We’ve released an exciting new feature that puts your invoices where your clients will see them: in a text message. When creating your invoice in the Zeller Dashboard, you will have the option to ‘Send Via SMS’. Switch this feature on, select a contact or enter a new phone number, and your client will automatically receive a text message from Zeller notifying them of the amount to be paid and with a link directly to pay your invoice. 

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Keep your invoices on-brand with advanced customisation.

Zeller Invoices now offers you even more flexibility. We’ve added more customisation options that let you choose from different templates, modify colours to suit your branding, add default messages, or stipulate terms and conditions — all while giving you a live preview as you work.

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Get ahead of upcoming payments with invoice scheduling.

It’s now possible to prepare and pre-date your invoices and have them triggered to go out whenever you choose. Creating your invoices in advance and scheduling their send date allows you to manage your workflow and reduce an end-of-month rush. Each scheduled invoice will be sent out at 9am on the day of your choosing.

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Reconciliation just got easier: contacts and transaction types now included in Xero Bank Feeds. 

We’ve heard your feedback, and we’ve made two new important updates to streamline your Zeller Account reconciliation with Xero Bank Feeds. 

  1. The “Payee Name” from your transactions will now be sent from Zeller and will appear automatically in the “Contact” field of your Xero reconciliation. This means you no longer need to cross-reference your transactions to add contact information in. 
  2. We've improved the existing transaction types to help you differentiate the different types of transactions coming through from Zeller. This will help you set up Xero automation rules for regular transactions to help make your reconciliation even easier and faster. If you currently use Xero's bank rule automations via Zeller's Bank Feeds Integration, please ensure you have your rules updated to the new transaction types.
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Keen to see a feature that’s not currently available?

Help shape the Zeller experience by sending your ideas or requests to feedback@myzeller.com and a member of our team will be in touch with you soon. For all the latest features, special offers and small business tips sent right to your inbox, sign up to our newsletter today and be a part of the Zeller business community.